KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1.HS: 14.10  2.HS: 09.12  Zw.Sem.: 17.02  Beginn SS: 13.04

4020245099 Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory      VVZ  

Di 11-13
wöch. ZGW 2 1.021 (36) Agostino Patella
Do 11-12
wöch. ZGW 2 1.021 (36)
Do 12-13
wöch. ZGW 2 1.021 (36) Agostino Patella


Basic knowledge of quantum field theory, at the level of the "Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (QFT I)" module
Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte
Symmetries in classical field theory
- Noether’s theorem: symmetries and conservation laws
- Spacetime and internal symmetries
- Broken symmetries and partially-conserved currents

Symmetries in quantum field theory
- Ward-Takahashi identities
- Anomalies
- Renormalization of Ward identities

Spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Generalities and Goldstone theorem
- Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and pion physics

Introduction to effective field theories and non-linear realization of symmetries
Zugeordnete Module
Umfang, Studienpunkte; Modulabschlussprüfung / Leistungsnachweis
4 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
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