WS 2023 SS 2023
WS 2022
WS 2021 SS 2022
Department of Physics
open chemistry
Study conditions/modules 1st HS: 17.10  2nd HS: 12.12 20.02  begin SS: 16.04
Die hier angebotenen Informationen sind der Studienordnung entnommen und unverbindlich.
Verbindliche Informationen stehen in den von der Fakultät veröffentlichten offiziellen Studienordnungen.

Master of Optical Sciences zurück
P30 - Fundamentals of Optical Sciences zurück
12 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
Depending on the situation with the pandemic the class will be held either in person or online. Additional information will be provided as soon as possible. Please refer to the web link provided here.
P31 - Optical Sciences Laboratory zurück
8 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
P32 - Advanced Optical Sciences zurück
12 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
P33 - Advanced Optical Sciences Laboratory zurück
15 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
Kommunikationsraum NEW 15 3'116
Raum / Zeit n.V.
[+] 4020225187 Optical Metrology    [P27,P28,P33,P34]
Raum / Zeit n.V.
Raum / Zeit n.V.
P34 - Introduction into Independent Scientific Research zurück
15 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
Kommunikationsraum NEW 15 3'116
Raum / Zeit n.V.
[+] 4020225187 Optical Metrology    [P27,P28,P33,P34]
Raum / Zeit n.V.
Raum / Zeit n.V.
P35.1 - Spezialisierungsfach Quantum Optics zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
P35.1.a/Pe1 - Quantum Optics zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.1.b - Quantum Optics Specialization I zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
[+] 4020225001 Non-Hermitian Photonics    [P25.4.b,P35.1.b,P35.3.b]
P35.1.c - Quantum Optics Specialization II zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.2 - Spezialisierungsfach Nonlinear Photonics zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
[+] 4020225090 Nonlinear Optics    [P25.4.a,P25.4.b,P35.2]
Please contact Prof. Mikhail Ivanov,, at the start of the semester with your email details. You will then receive detailed lecture notes and all information regarding in class/on-line teaching.
[+] 4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)    [P25.4.b,P35.2,P35.2.b,P35.3,P35.3.b]
[+] 4020225180 Applied Photonics    [P24.4.a,P35.2]
P35.2.a/Pe2 - Physics of Ultrafast Processes zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.2.b - Nonlinear Photonics Specialization I zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
[+] 4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)    [P25.4.b,P35.2,P35.2.b,P35.3,P35.3.b]
P35.2.c - Nonlinear Photonics Specialization II zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.3 - Spezialisierungsfach Theoretical Optics zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
[+] 4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)    [P25.4.b,P35.2,P35.2.b,P35.3,P35.3.b]
P35.3.a/Pe3 - Computational Photonics zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.3.b - Theoretical Optics Specialization I zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
[+] 4020225001 Non-Hermitian Photonics    [P25.4.b,P35.1.b,P35.3.b]
[+] 4020225145 Mathematical Models of Photonics (U. Bandelow)    [P25.4.b,P35.2,P35.2.b,P35.3,P35.3.b]
P35.3.c - Theoretical Optics Specialization II zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.4 - Spezialisierungsfach Short-Wavelength Optics zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
available this semester:
Die VL findet auf Wunsch in englischer Sprache statt. Ich bin bzgl. der Zeiten flexibel.
Die Veranstaltung wird durch das Kurspraktikum „Elektronenmikroskopie – Grundlagen und Anwendungen“ ergänzt (40540). Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache angeboten.
P35.4.a/Pe4 - Fourier Optics and X-Ray Microscopy zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.4.b - Short-Wavelength Optics Specialization I zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
P35.4.c - Short-Wavelength Optics Specialization II zurück
18 CP / ECTS credits, Semester, recommended in 1. FS
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