WS 2023 SS 2023
WS 2022
WS 2021 SS 2022
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 17.10  2nd HS: 12.12 20.02  begin SS: 16.04

2020225089 Lab Course on Advanced Analytical Chemistry      VVZ  

Mon 11-17
weekly nV or digital (0) Iweta Pryjomska-Ray, Kannan Balasubramanian
Tue 11-17
weekly nV or digital (0)

Digital- & Präsenz-basierter Kurs

classroom language
In-depth understanding of selected analytical methods and associated problems
Bachelor of Science
structure / topics / contents
Experiments related to complex research-oriented problems using modern methods of instrumental analysis
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
8 SWS, 5 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
The individual experiments (Discussions, Lab performance and report) will be graded. The course grade is averaged from the grades of the individual experiments
A pre-registration for the practical course is mandatory, which can be carried out by enrolling yourself in the Moodle course before a strict deadline of 12.10.2022. A mandatory security briefing is pre-requisite for carrying out the experiments. The date for this briefing will be announced via Moodle. Only those who attend the security briefing will be allowed entry to the practical course.
Dr. Iweta Pryjomska-Ray
Moodle link:
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