Math.- Nat. Fakultät Institut für Physik in english

Veranstaltungen mit geplanten Räumen finden i.a. in Präsenz statt.
Digitale Angebote sind optional.

Wintersemester 2021
Stand: 21.11.24 11:11:10

KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1.HS: 18.10  2.HS: 13.12  Zw.Sem.: 21.02  Beginn SS: 17.04

4020215193 Nichtlineare Optik      VVZ  

Do 13-15
wöch. NEW 14 1'13 (24) Timm Bredtmann, Misha Ivanov
Mi 17-18
wöch. NEW 14 1'13 (24) Misha Ivanov
Mi 18-19
wöch. NEW 14 1'13 (24) Misha Ivanov

Digital- & Präsenz-basierter Kurs

Lern- und Qualifikationsziele
Part 1: Nonlinear response at the microscopic level
- Fundamentals of Light-Matter Interaction
- Derivation of nonlinear susceptibilities using time-dependent perturbation theory
- Quadratic and cubic susceptibility, Kerr effect

Part 2: Nonlinear macroscopic response
- Different equations used for the description of nonlinear light propagation: Slowly varying envelope approximation, weak reflection approximation etc.
- Wave mixing: Second Harmonic Generation, Difference Frequency Generation
- Phase Matchting
- Propagation in media with Kerr nonlinearity: Self-phase modulation, self-steepening, spectral broadening of the pulse
- Optical phase conjugation,
- Nonlinear Schroedinger equation and temporal solitons in Kerr media
- Self-focusing: critical power and self-focusing length

Part 3: Current frontiers:
- Laser filamentation
- Electromagnetically induced transparency and Slow light
- High harmonic generation
- Above Threshold Ionization
Bachelor in Physik, Grundkenntnisse in Optik und Quantenmechanik
Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte
This is a theory course which includes 1) Nonlinear response of quantum systems to light at the microscopic level, 2) Nonlinear Macroscopic response and nonlinear effects such as wave mixing, Kerr effect, self-focusing, self-phase modulation, high harmonic generation, laser filamentation, temporal and spatial solitons, nonlinear spectroscopies
Zugeordnete Module
P25.4.a P25.4.b P35.2
Umfang, Studienpunkte; Modulabschlussprüfung / Leistungsnachweis
4 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Klausur oder muendliche Pruefung.
Please contact Prof Mikhail Ivanov by October 15, 2021, with your email details. You will then receive detailed lecture notes and all information regarding in class/on-line teaching
Prof Mikhail Ivanov,
R. W. Boyd. Nonlinear Optics. Academic Press
Y. R. Shen. The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. Wiley
B.E.A. Saleh, M.C. Teich. Grundlagen der Photonik. Wiley-VCH
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