Math.- Nat. Fakultät Institut für Physik in english

in Arbeit, keine gültigen Zeiten/Räme
Sommersemester 2025
Stand: 05.02.25 10:52:29

KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1.HS: 14.04  2.HS: 02.06  Zw.Sem.: 19.07  Beginn WS: 11.10

4020250092 Analysis of Astronomical and Gravitational Wave Data      VVZ  

Mo 13-15
wöch. NEW 14 1'13 (24) Jakob Nordin
UE 14tgl. Jakob Nordin


Lern- und Qualifikationsziele
Students will learn how to process and evaluate the data provided by modern astronomical observatories.

Besides providing a general understanding of modern observational astrophysics, the course will teach analytical methods applicable to a wide range of data types.
Courses in statistical methods, cosmology and/or astronomy are beneficial but not required.
Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte
Observations of astronomical objects currently provide some of the most precise constraints of physical laws. This includes phenomena such as dark energy and dark matter, which only come to dominate on the scales of galaxies. Astrophysics has currently entered the era of multi-messenger astronomy, where observations made across the electromagnetic spectrum are combined with detections of gravitational waves, cosmic rays and neutrinos.

This course will introduce the analysis techniques needed to understand measurements made by astronomical detectors, and how to convert these into measurements of physical properties. During SS2025 we will get access to a brand new HU/DESY optical telescope, which can be used observe astronomical transients such as supernovae.
Zugeordnete Module
Umfang, Studienpunkte; Modulabschlussprüfung / Leistungsnachweis
3 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Jakob Nordin
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