KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1.HS: 15.04  2.HS: 03.06  Zw.Sem.: 22.07  Beginn WS: 13.10

4020240049 Streuamplituden in der Quantenfeldtheorie      VVZ  

Mo 9-11
wöch. ZGW 2 1.221 (36) Jan Plefka, Kays Haddad
Mi 9-10
wöch. ZGW 2 1.221 (36)
Mi 10-11
14tgl. ZGW 2 1.221 (36) Kays Haddad

Digital- & Präsenz-basierter Kurs

Lern- und Qualifikationsziele
These lectures bridge a gap between introductory quantum field theory (QFT) courses and state-of-the-art research in scattering amplitudes. They cover the path from basic definitions of QFT to amplitudes relevant for processes in the Standard Model of particle physics. The course begins with a concise yet self-contained introduction into QFT, including perturbative quantum gravity. It then presents modern methods for calculating scattering amplitudes, focusing on tree-level amplitudes, loop-level integrands and loop integration techniques. These methods help reveal intriguing relations between gauge and gravity amplitudes, and are of increasing importance for obtaining high-precision predictions for collider experiments, such as those at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, as well as for foundational mathematical physics studies in QFT, including recent applications to gravitational wave physics.
Quantum Field Theory, Gravity
Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte
1. Introduction and Foundations
2. On-shell techniques for tree-level amplitudes
3. Loop integrands and amplitudes
4. Loop integration techniques and special functions
Zugeordnete Module
Umfang, Studienpunkte; Modulabschlussprüfung / Leistungsnachweis
4 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Oral exam
Prof. Dr. Plefka
Batcher, Henn, Plefka, Zoia . Scattering Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory. Springer LNP
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