Math.- Nat. Fakultät Institut für Physik in english

Bitte beachten Sie die örtlichen Aushänge
Sommersemester 2023
Stand: 06.11.24 14:22:09

KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1.HS: 17.04  2.HS: 05.06  Zw.Sem.: 24.07  Beginn WS: 15.10

4020230166 Astroparticle Physics      VVZ  

Mo 9-11
wöch. NEW 15 1'202 (34) Jakob Nordin
Di 13-15
wöch. NEW 15 1'202 (34) Dan Parsons

Digital- & Präsenz-basierter Kurs

Introduction to nuclear and particle physics.
Further courses in astronomy, particle physics and/or statistics are advantageous but not required.
Gliederung / Themen / Inhalte
Astroparticle physics lies at the intersection of astronomy and particle physics. The course will cover the basics for particle cosmology (dark matter and dark energy, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic rays as well as other high-energy astronomy phenomena), as well aspects from multi-messenger astronomy (including neutrinos and gravitational waves).
Zugeordnete Module
Umfang, Studienpunkte; Modulabschlussprüfung / Leistungsnachweis
4 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung
The course will be offered in the second half of the semester, following Particle I.

Lectures will be organized jointly with the course in Multi-messenger analysis techniques. Contact the lecturer for details.
Jakob Nordin
D.H. Perkins. Particle Astrophysics, Second Edition. Oxford Master Series in Physics
A. De Angelis. Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics. Springer
M. H.P.M. van Putten & A. Levinson. Relativistic Astrophysics of the transient Universe. Cambridge
L. Bergstroem, A. Goobar. Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics. Springer
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