Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Physics auf deutsch

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summer sem. 2021
Last update: 21.11.24 11:17:26

SS 2022 WS 2021
SS 2021
SS 2020 WS 2020
Department of Physics
open chemistry
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 12.04  2nd HS: 31.05  sem.br.: 19.07  begin WS: 12.04

4020210150 Terahertz Physics and Technology      VVZ  

Wed 15-17
weekly nV or digital (0) Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers
Wed 17-18
weekly nV or digital (0) Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers

Digitaler Kurs

classroom language
The students lern the basics of THz physics and technology and are capable of solving typical problems in THz physics and technology.
Bachelor in Physics
structure / topics / contents
- Basics of THz optics
- Passive optical components and metamaterials
- Antennas and quasi-optical components
-Sources: laser, photo mixer, harmonic THz generation, THz generation with relativistic electrons
- Spectroscopy: Grating spectroscopy, Fourier transform spectroscopy, heterodyne spectroscopy, time-domain spectroscopy, pump-probe spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy
- Imaging: THz cameras, microscopy, sub-wavelength resolution, near-field microscopy
- Physics of low-frequency THz excitations
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
3 SWS, 6 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers, Tel: 030-67055596
Bründermann, Hübers, Kimmitt. Terahertz Techniques. Springer
Peiponen, Zeitler, Kuwata-Gonokami. Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging. Springer
Zhang, Xu. Introduction to THz Wave Photonics. Springer
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