Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Physics auf deutsch

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summer sem. 2021
Last update: 21.11.24 11:17:26

SS 2022 WS 2021
SS 2021
SS 2020 WS 2020
Department of Physics
open chemistry
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 12.04  2nd HS: 31.05  sem.br.: 19.07  begin WS: 12.04

4020210140 Optical Sciences Laboratory      VVZ  

PR weekly Oliver Benson, Achim Peters, Alejandro Saenz, Stefan Kirstein, Wouter Van den Broek, Steffen Hackbarth, Günter Kewes, Arno Rauschenbeutel, Benedikt Haas, n. n., Shuwei Jin
Mon 15-17
weekly nV or digital (0) Alejandro Saenz, Kurt Busch, Oliver Benson, Sven Ramelow, Achim Peters, Markus Krutzik, Francesco Intravaia

Digital- & Präsenz-basierter Kurs

classroom language
Students work on optics related experiments that are also part of the instituts F-Praktikum.
structure / topics / contents
Experiments from the following topics:
- spectroscopy
- microscopy
- nano-optics
- quantum optics
- additional topics in optical sciences

Tasks concerning programming for data analysis and simulation/design of experiments.

Additionally, there is a mandatory seminar introducing experiments and laboratory safety.
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
9 SWS, 8 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
The individual experiments are evaluated according to a point systems. The final grade is calculated from the scored points.
Prof. A. Saenz, NEW15, Raum 2.208, alejandro.saenz@physik.hu-berlin.de, 030-2093-4902; Prof. O. Benson, NEW15, Raum 1'704, oliver.benson@physik.hu-berlin.de, 030-2093-4711; Dr. S. Hackbarth, NEW15, Raum 1'305, hacky@physik.hu-berlin.de, 030-2093-7648
. .
quod vide:
Moodle link:
http:// "Optical Sciences Laboratory"
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