SS 2020 WS 2019
SS 2019
SS 2018 WS 2018
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 08.04  2nd HS: 27.05 15.07  begin WS: 14.10

2020190110 Instrumental Analysis      VVZ  

Mon 9-13
weekly nV or digital (0) Sandra Walther, Diplomanden Doktoranden, Tutorin Tutor, Yulin Qi
Tue 11-17
weekly nV or digital (0)
Wed 11-17
weekly nV or digital (0)
Thu 13-17
weekly nV or digital (0)


classroom language
Students who are familiar with the physico-chemical principles of the methods can apply instrumental techniques. They are able to measure simple analytical samples with instrumental procedures.
successful completion of AU1 / PC2
structure / topics / contents
- Working with methods of instrumental
Analytics: separation techniques (e.g., GC, HPLC,
IC, capillary electrophoresis)
- Spectroscopic methods (e.g., AAS, photometry)
- Electroanalytical methods (e.g., potentiometry, voltammetry)
- Automated techniques (including FIA)
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
2 SWS, 4 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
5-7 certified internship protocols
The internship takes place in the internship rooms 1'323, 1'321 & 2'325. Parallel to this, the OC internship takes place in other groups.
The security instruction (compulsory date for all participants, no 2nd appointment!) Will take place on 09.04.19 at 8 o'clock (s.t.) in HS XXX. Registration for the course before 28.02.19 via email to
Dr. Yulin Qi, Raum 0'203
Moodle link:
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